Houjun Liu

A Library of Languages


Given a bipartite graph \(G = \qty(U,V,E)\), is there a perfect matching (a one to one correspondence between \(U\) and \(V\) nodes)?

This is in both NP and coNP


NP trivial

I hand you the matching

Not Hall’s Theorem

Sufficient: Suppose \(S \subseteq U\), consider \(N\qty(S) \subseteq V\), the neighborhood of \(S\) is \(|N(s)|< |S|\), then there is no perfect matching.

Sketch: suppose for contradiction there is a matching, but there would be not enough space to assign everyone in \(S\) a deduplicated match.

Hall’s Theorem

Necessary: if \(G = \qty(U, V, E)\) has no perfect matching, then such an \(S\) from Not Hall’s Theorem must exist.


“very prime has a succinct certificate”

\begin{equation} \text{PRIMES} : \qty {A \mid A\text{ is prime}} \end{equation}

The certificate?

\begin{equation} A \text{ prime} \Leftrightarrow \exists 1 < b < A : B, B^{2}, \dots, B^{A*2} \not \cong \ \text{mod}\ A \end{equation}

So \(\text{PRIMES} \in \text{NP}\)


\begin{equation} \text{FACTORING} = \qty {X, A, B \mid \text{X has a prime factor $\in [A,B]$}} \end{equation}

\(\text{FACTORING} \in NP\) certificate: just give the prime factor

\(\text{FACTORING} \in \text{coNP}\) certificate: give the prime factorization of \(X\); verifier check that these numbers do multiply to \(x\), check that none of these numbers are in \([A,B]\)