Probabilistically Checkable Proofs
Every statement that has a polynomial time checkable proof has such a proof where the verifier only reads \(O(1)\) (constant) bits of the proof such hat…
- perfect completeness: correct statements will be accepted with probability 1
- soundness: false statements will be rejected with probability 0.99 (with epsilon as the reading constant increases)
PCP Theorem
For some constant \(\alpha > 0\), and for ever language \(L \in NP\), there exists a polynomial-time computable function that makes every input \(x\) into a 3cnf-formula \(f(x)\) such that…
- if \(x \in L\), then \(f(x) \in \text{SAT}\)
- if \(x \neq L\), then there is no assignment that satisfies more than \(\qty(1-\alpha)\) fraction of \(f(x)\) clauses
That is, a sufficiently good approximation of Max-SAT will imply \(P = NP\) (because we cloud just us that Max-SAT to disambiguate whether or not \(f(x)\) has a maximum satisfiable over the line of \((1-\alpha)\) and declare it in or out of the language.
By definition everything in \(NP\) has a short and checkable proof (in polynomial time) …same can go for coNP and PSPACE if we add interaction.
Interactive Proofs
We have prover \(P\) and verifier \(V\). The \(V\) asks \(P\) for membership statements, and \(P\) responds with statements. These proofs can be used to prove membership in very powerful languages.
Graph Non-Isomorphism
A graph \(G\) and \(H\) are isomorphic if you can rename \(G\) to get \(H\) (i.e. they are same up to renaming).
- GraphIsomorphism = {(G,H) | G and H are isomorphic}
- GraphNonIsomorphism = {(G,H) | G and H are not isomorphic}
GraphIsomorphism is in NP. But, how do we show that two things are not isomorphic?
Approximation Hardness
For particular problems, we can’t even approximate it well enough.
Interestingly, for many problems, we know exactly what the correct approximation factor is; we even know what the approximation boundary is, so beyond this line we know we can’t solve it unless \(P= NP\).
To show these results, we will need approximation-preserving reductions
approximation preserving reductions
for instance, clique problem (\(3SAT \leq_{P} \text{CLIQUE}\)) is very approximation preserving because the size of the clique corresponds exactly to the number of clauses you can satisfy.
However, (\(\text{IS} \leq_{P} \text{{Vertex-Cover}}\)) is super not approximation preserving; recall that our argument is that \(V - IS\) is a vertex cover, meaning \(\qty(G, k) \Leftrightarrow (G, |V|-k)\) is the sizes of the independent set and vertex covers respectively.
These are not good approximations of each other; suppose the minimum vertex cover is \(k \ll n\), this make the maximum independent set \(n-k\). An approximation of independent set will give a vertex cover size of \(\frac{n}{c}\) (since \(k\) is, as said before, very small), which means the approximate VC given would be \(n - \frac{n}{c}\) which may not be anywhere near \(n-k\).
vertex cover
Recall vertex cover problem:
we want to find the smallest vertex cover—this could be approximated greedily which will find a vertex cover which is at most twice as large as the original (a “two-approximation”)
the algorithm: set \(C = \emptyset\), and while there exists an uncovered edge \(e\), add both endpoints of such an \(e\) to \(C\)
- it will work because for every uncovered edge, at least one of its endpoints is in the minimal vertex cover; so we add be greedy and just add both
- it 2x because we at most add 2x “extra” verticies
given a cnf-formula (not just 3cnf), how many clauses can be satisfied? a maximization problem because we want to satisfy the maximal amount of clauses.
approximation: we can always satisfy a constant frication of all of the clauses: that is, when all clauses have at least 3 unique literals, we can satisfy at least 7/8 of all the clauses (i.e. we will get to \(\geq \frac{7}{8}\) clauses of the clauses than optimal solution).
We can’t solve this even further (i.e. we can’t solve up to \(\frac{7}{8}+\varepsilon\) for any \(\varepsilon > 0\)) without \(P = NP\). see PCP Theorem
clique problem
for other problems (such as cliques), no constant approximation may even occur