You can use atoms as many different types of qubits.
manipulating physical qubits
To make physical qubits go to different states, we will again use something in the ancillary states. Rotating it to \(z\) — leverage one lazer to make it fall; \(rx\), \(ry\), we leverage combinations of two light.
various qubit implementations
Implementations of physical qubits
Type | Superconductor | Ions | Atoms |
Company | Google, IBM, Rigetti | IonQ, Honeywell | Atom Computing, QuEra |
Nature | Artifical | Natural | Natural |
Calibration | Individual calibration | Naturally calibrated | Naturally calibrated |
Coherence Time | Short | Long | Long |
Connectivity | Adjacent connectivity | All-to-all | More than adjacent |
Scalability | Compatible with existing tech | Not easily scalable | Potentially scalable |
Speed | Fast gates | Kinda fast | Untested |
possible uses for qubits
Here are some possible uses for physical qubits
- Traveling salesman
- Research + simulations
- Cryptography