Houjun Liu

Computational Complexity Theory

Time Complexity

turing machine Time Complexity

We measure a turing machine’s time complexity via number of steps it takes for a turing machine to halt.

Let \(M\) be a turing machine that halts on all inputs; we will only consider for now decidable languages. We define:

the running time or Time Complexity of the machine \(M\) is a function \(T : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}\), such that \(T(n)\) is the maximum number of steps taken by \(M\) over all inputs of length \(n\) (the “worst case complexity”).

Time-Bounded Complexity

Let us define:

\begin{equation} \text{TIME}\qty(t(n)) = \qty {L’ \mid \text{there’s a TM $M$ with time complexity $O(t(n))$ so that $L’ = L(M)$}} \end{equation}

that is, \(\text{TIME}(T(n))\) a set of languages decided by some TM with \(O(t(n))\) running time.

Polynomial Time

\begin{equation} P = \bigcup_{k \in N} \text{TIME}\qty(n^{k}) \end{equation}

“efficient”; and “robust”: that is, multi-tape TM theorem (number of tapes, etc.) and time hierarchy theorem

Extended Church-Turing Thesis

A Turing Machine can simulate every “reasonable” model of computation with only Polynomial Time increase in time complexity—possibly the “worse possible”

This is only a thesis! There’s a chance, for instance, randomized quantum algorithms may change this.

one-tape TM cannot decide some language \(A\) in less than \(O(n \log n)\) time

For any

\begin{equation} f(n) = O\qty( \frac{n \log n}{\alpha \qty (n)}) \end{equation}

where \(\alpha(n)\) is unbounded, we have that \(TIME(f(n))\) contains only regular languages.

two tapes could be more powerful than one tape

…because you can do things in parallel (i.e. different models of computation can yield different run times, even if they are both computable function)

in fact, something like \(B = \qty { ww \mid w \in \qty {0,1}^{*}}\) has a quadratic gap

  • multi-tape TM theorem

    Let \(t: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}\), which satisfies \(t(n) \geq n\), for all \(n\). Then, every \(t(n)\) time multi-tape TM has an equivalent \(O\qty (t(n)^{2})\) time one-tape TM.

    ….because you can just append the tapes in the style of multi-tape simulation by one tape and then just move across all of \(n\) each time to increment the next tape.

    correlary: suppose language \(A\) can be decided by a multi-tape Turing Machine in \(p(n)\) steps for some polynomial \(p\), then \(A\) can be decided by a one-tape TM in \(q(n)\) steps, by some polynomial \(q\) (because we just squared in the example above).

efficient universal Turing Machine

there is a one-tape Turing Machine \(U\) which takes as input….

  • the code of an arbitrary Turing Machine \(M\)
  • an input string \(w\)
  • and a string of \(t\) 1s which represents the runtime where \(t > |w|\)

such that \(U\qty (M,w, 1^{t})\) halts in \(O\qty (|M|^{2} t^{2})\) steps and \(U\) accepts \(\qty (M, w, 1^{t}) \Leftrightarrow M\) accepts \(w\) in \(t\) steps.

That is…. the universal Turning machine will not run forever; its a clock that goes to a certain amount of steps and gives up.

The idea to make this is to make a multi-tape TM \(U’\) that does the above, and run the multi-tape reduction.

  • time hierarchy theorem

    “if you get more time to compute then you can solve strictly more problems”

    For all reasonable (“constructible”) \(f,g: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}\) where for all \(n\), \(g(n) > n^{2} f(n)^{2}\), then \(\text{TIME}(f(n)) \subset \text{TIME}(g(n))\) strictly contain.

    proof idea: Diagonalization Arguments with a clock; make a Turing machine \(N\) on input \(M\); simulate \(M\) on input \(M\) for \(f(|M|)\) steps then flip the answer.


    let us define some machine \(N(M)\) which computes in \(t = f(|M|)\). Run \(U\qty (M, M, 1^{t})\), and output the opposite answer.

    Assume for contradiction \(L(N)\) has time complexity \(f(n)\). By assumption, \(N(N)\) runs in \(f(|N|)\) time and outputs the opposite answer as \(U\qty (N, N, 1^{f\qty (|N|)})\). This is contradiction because \(N(N)\) outputting true means \(U(N, N)\) outputs false, etc. Tish is a contradiction.

    This means that \(L(N)\) does not have time complexity \(f(n)\).

    Recall however \(U\qty (N, N, 1^{f\qty (|N|)})\) halts in \(O\qty (|M|^{2} t^{2})\) steps, so let’s set \(g(|M|) > |M|^{2} f(|M|)^{2}\) for all \(M\).

    (This also holds for multiple Turing Machines).


    \begin{equation} \text{TIME}\qty(n) \subset \text{TIME}\qty(n^{2}) \subset \dots \end{equation}

    there are an infinite hierarchy of increasingly time-consuming problems


  • same number

    \begin{equation} A = \qty {0^{k} 1^{k} \mid k \geq 0} \end{equation}

    for a turing machine on \(A\), on input of length \(n\), we….

    1. first pass: scan the tape and reject if the string is not of the form \(0^{i}1^{j}\)
    2. repeat if both $0$s and $1$s are an the tape
      1. scan across the tape, crossing off a single \(0\) and a single \(1\)
    3. if \(0\) remain after all \(1\) crossed off, then reject. otherwise, accept

    This has complexity of…

    1. single scan: \(O(n)\)
    2. crossing off left right: \(O\qty (n^{2})\)
    3. verifying: \(O(n)\)
  • actually, though, we can do this in \(O(n \log n)\)

    • if \(w\) is not in the right shape \(0^{*}1^{*}\), reject
    • repeat until all bits of \(w\) are crossed out
      • if parity (odd/evenness) of \(0\) is not parity of \(1\), reject
      • cross out every other \(0\), cross out ever other \(1\)
    • if all bits crossed out, accept

    There will be \(\log n\) crossings-out at most (since each divides by \(2\)), and each of such crossings-out, will check linearly.