Its the same. It hasn’t changed: curses of dimensionality and history.
Goal: to solve decentralized multi-agent MDPs.
Key Insights
- macro-actions (MAs) to reduce computational complexity (like hierarchical planning)
- uses cross entropy to make infinite horizon problem tractable
Prior Approaches
- masked Monte Carlo search: heuristic based, no optimality garantees
- MCTS: poor performance
Direct Cross Entropy
see also Cross Entropy Method
- sample a value function \(k\)
- takes \(n\) highest sampled values
- update parameter \(\theta\)
- resample until distribution convergence
- take the best sample \(x\)
- create a graph with exogenous \(N\) nodes, and \(O\) outgoing edges (designed before)
- use Direct Cross Entropy to solve for the best policy
- demonstrates improved performance over MMCS and MCTS
- does not need robot communication
- garantees convergence for both finite and infiinte horizon
- can choose exogenous number of nodes in order to gain computational savings