- Imperfect sensors in robot control: partial observations
- Manipulators face tradeoff between sensing + acting
curse of dimensionality and curse of history.
Belief-Space Planning
Perhaps we should plan over all possible distributions of state space, making a belief-state MDP.
But: this is a nonlinear, stochastic dynamic. In fact: there maybe stochastic events that affects dynamics.
Big problem:
Belief iLQR
“determinize and replan”: simplify the dynamics at each step, plan, take action, and replan
- tracks belief via observations
- simplifies belief state dynamics based on linear MLE
When the dynamics is linear, you can use Linear-Quadratic Regulator to solve. This results in a worse policy but will give you a policy.
Previous Work
- “just solve most-likely state”: doesn’t take action to explore and understand the state.
- “belief roadmap”: not really planning in the belief space itself
Belief Update
We use Baysian updates for the state probably updates:
\begin{equation} P(s_{t+1}) = \eta P(o_{t+1}|s_{t+1}) \int_{x} p(_{t+1}|x, a_{t}) P(s) \end{equation}
and then the actual beliefs are updated with Extended Kalman Filter.
Importantly, the Extended Kalman Filter usually requires us to take an expectation of each observation O over all O; instead, we assume that the future states are uniform linearly distributed.
Belief Update Cost
Ideally, we want to lower covariance of the belief vectors in order to be more confident.
- first term: reduce large trajectories (verify)
- second: stabilization
Replanning Strategy
while b not at goal:
# replan at where we are at now
(b, a, mean_b) = create_initial_plan(b);
for depth d:
a_t = solve_lqr_for_plan_at_time(b, a, mean_b)
o = environment.step(a_t)
b = extended_kalman(b, a, o)
if mean(b) > max_allowed_belief_uncertainty: