Houjun Liu

Language Agents with Karthik


  1. Transition first from rule based learning to statistical learning
  2. Rise of semantic parsing: statistical models of parsing
  3. Then, moving from semantic parsing to large models—putting decision making and language modeling into the same bubble

Importance of LLMs

  • They are simply better at understanding language inputs
  • They can generate structured information (i.e. not just human language, JSONs, etc.)
  • They can perform natural language “reasoning”—not just generate

(and natural language generation, abv)

  • 1+3 gives you chain of thought reasoning
  • 1+2 gives CALM, SayCan, and other types of RL text parsing in order to do stuff with robotics
  • all three gives ReAct


See ReAct

Problem: agents are not robust at all


Key Challenges

See History of Agents and Their Challenges