We can abstract common part of language features such as state and exception. It allows programming these features in pure lambda calculus.
A monad \(M a\) is an abstract type—
the “normal” type is \(a\), and we have the semantics hidden in \(M\).
- return: \(a \to Ma\)
- bind: \(M a \to (a \to M b) \to M b\) — it takes a monad, a function that takes the unwrapped thing and hands back a new monad, and returns that
bind is written with \(v \gg = f\) for monad \(v\) and function \(f: a\to M b\)
Monads were used to explain stuff like state within Church theories; so languages are “core functional parts with monadic exceptions”—there’s a set of monads which is built in, like state, exceptions, concurrencies, ec.
- “just programming”: users can write their own monads
- fairly ubiquitous in haskall
- programs using return and bind tends to be contagious
- performance is bad: no free lunch
- stuff ends up looking like C++
state monad
- return: a -> Ma = \(\lambda v. \lambda s . (v,s)\) (just give us the state transformer)
- p >>= f: Ma -> (a -> Mb) -> Mb = \(\lambda s . let (v, s’) = (p\ s)\ \text{in}\ f\ v\ s’\)
“run p first against some state, get new state s’ and resulting value, then apply this value to \(f\), and then run it on the new state; notice that this whole thing takes a state”
Exceptional e a =
Success a |
Exception e
the monad:
monad M = Exceptional e
return := Success
>>= :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
v >>= f = case v of
Exception I -> Exception I
Success r -> f r
throw = Exception
catch e h = case e of
Exception I -> h I
Success r -> Success r
partial functions
\(Maybe(a)\), that is Option
head: List(a) -> Maybe(a)
div: int -> int -> Maybe(int)
because these things may fail r not exist.
Maybe a =
Just a |
lx.let y = f x in
case y of
Nothing: Nothing
Just v: g(v)
Notice how the above is tedious. We will then make this a monad.
monad M = Maybe
return: Just
with \(v: Ma\), \(f: a \to Mb\)
v >>= f = case v of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> f x
which means that we can write the above function:
lx.x >>= f >>= g
head of list
head x = case x of
Nil: Nothing
Cons(a,as): Just(a)
taking the head of the head of the list
λ l. return l >>= head >>= head