Recall: Oracle Turing Machines is a machine which has oracle \(B \subseteq \Gamma^{*}\) which lets you ask “if \(z \in B\), then do something, otherwise do something else” and check that in ONE STEP.
We have:
\begin{equation} P^{B} = \qty {L \mid L \text{{ can be decided by a polynomial-time TM with oracle for $B$ }}} \end{equation}
For example \(P^{\text{SAT}}\) are languages we can decide in polynomial time once we have an oracle in SAT, and \(P^{\text{NP}}\) are languages decidable by some Oracle Polynomial Time \(TM\) for some \(B \in NP\).
Notice that \(P^{\text{NP}} \subseteq P^{\text{SAT}}\) because whenever we want to query the oracle \(NP\) we first poly-reduce it to SAT, then ask SAT. This doesn’t leave poly-time for the loop-up step.
some examples
Polynomial Oracles
We know that \(P^{P} \subseteq P\) (this is because instead of looking up the oracle, we can just do it ourselves in poly-time)
Non-Polynomial Oracles
We also know that \(NP \subseteq P^{NP}\), because for \(L \in NP\), we can just solve it in NP by guessing every input and checking with our oracle in one step.
CoNP Oracles
Also, \(\text{coNP} \subseteq P^{\text{NP}}\), we can ask the oracle for the answer, and then negate it. By definition, since \(\neg L \in \text{NP}\) for \(L \in \text{coNP}\), we can simply solve a language \(\in \text{coNP}\) by querying the oracle for the corresponding NP language and then reverse it
Open Questions
\begin{equation} NP =^{?} NP^{\text{NP}} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \text{coNP} =^{?} NP^{NP} \end{equation}
Logic Minimization
Suppose two boolean formulas \(\phi\) and \(\psi\) over the variables \(x_1, …, x_{n}\) if they have the same value on every assignment of variables (that is, ever assignment that satisfies \(\phi\) using \(x_{j}\) choices also satisfies \(\psi\) with the same \(x_{j}\) choices).
A Boolean formula \(\phi\) is minimal if there are no smaller formulas equivalent to \(\phi\).
\begin{equation} \text{{MIN-FORMULA}} = \qty {\phi \mid \phi \text{{ is min }}} \end{equation}
Let’s define:
\begin{equation} \text{NEQUIV} = \qty {(\phi, \psi) \mid \phi, \psi \text{ not equivalent }} \end{equation}
in particular, \(\text{NEQIV} \in NP\) because to check if something is in \(\text{NEQIV}\) we simply has to guess all assignments and check if any of them are not equivalent.
Now, we can solve \(\text{MIN-FORMULA}\in \text{coNP}^{\text{NEQIV}}\) because, given a formula \(\phi\), we try all the \(\psi\) smaller than \(\phi\). If every \((\phi, \psi) \in \text{NEQIV}\), accept. Otherwise, reject.