Houjun Liu

SU-CS242 NOV212024

Today’s lambda calculus

e → xλx:t.ee eie + e

why static typing?

  • find type errors when the program is written
  • …which makes guarantees for all possible executions
  • …which can leads to a faster execution because you don’t have to do runtime type checks (this is actually non-trivial!)

why (not) static typing

  • you can detect type errors during execution—so it can be sound as well
  • this is not untyped: you can still have types (untyped is raw bits)


every value has a “tag” — for instance, integers vs. functions

notice that in dynamic typing function doesn’t have grantees about what the domains/ranges are, unlike static typing

basic idea: whenever you are doing something that requires a certain input type, we then check the tag. then, we emit code by taking the tag off, and then perform the operation.

dynamically typed lambda calculus


e → xλx.ee eie + e


we perform tagging then at runtime

e → xλx.ee eie + e!t e?t e
t → intfun
  • where !t e is to mark e with tag t
  • where ?t e is to check e to have tag t, and if so we remove the tag

inference rules

dynamic type rules: first perform translation

  • to tag something, you steal the low-order bit from the integer
  • you will take that bit as 0 (this is just because addition will leave these bit)

you will notice that there is a condition for every single addition—this means that this is horrendously slow

execution rules: once translated, we now execute; in addition to standard Lambda Calculus execution rules as in structural operational semantics

This means that the specific program execution is type correct: no type checker is nagging you, so arbitrary coding is much easier! It makes as lower barrier to entry for programmers.


  • safety: proving safety of all executions vs. one execution
  • productivity: writing some programs vs. all programs
  • performance: slower compile faster run vs. faster compile slower run


  • as program size grows + number of programmers involved, static typing is better

Gradual Typing

i.e. mypy has type errors!

n = 1
n = 'x' # type error!
n: Any = 1
n = 'x'
n = a # no type error
n = n + 1 # runtime type limit

Any is a big deal: it changes the character of your type system to be mostly dynomic and require tagging.


normal subtyping

  • when B inherits from A, we call \(B \leq A\)
  • so anywhere A is expected B can be used

structural subtyping

“duck typing”

  • when B just so happens to implement every method from A, we call \(B \leq A\)
  • so we can pass an B to naywhere that expects an A


whether its nominal or structural, the end result is roughly the same; however, the semantics feels really different


Object is the root class of the type hierarchy.

\begin{equation} \text{C} \leq \text{Object} \end{equation}

for any class \(C\).

Object is not Any, however, because Any is a generic type


Type constructor C[A] is “covariant” if \(X \leq Y \implies C[X] \leq C[Y]\)

covariance of list

lists are NOT COVARIANT; even if \(X \leq Y\), we don’t have that \(\text{List}[X] \leq \text{List}[Y]\)

def tmp(l: List[Supertype]) -> None:

cp : List[Subtype] = []
cp[0].subtype_method() # crash

this gets at a heart of a central issue

  1. aliasing is a symmetric relationship
  2. subtyping is not a symmetric relationship

so, you could read something as one type and read it out another place as another type. hence, mutable types in general are not covariant.

hence, on container, we have that:

\begin{equation} \text{List}\qty(x) \leq \text{List}\qty(y) \Leftrightarrow x = y \end{equation}


Function types are contravariant in the domain, covariant in the range

\begin{equation} \text{Point} \to \text{Int} \leq \text{Colorpoint} \to \text{Int} \end{equation}

contravariance: \(A \to B \leq C \to D\) if \(C \leq A\) and \(B \leq D\)