Houjun Liu

SU-CS242 OCT032024

Lambda Calculus

Like SKI Calculus, its a language of functions; unlike SKI Calculus, there are variables.

\begin{equation} e\to x \mid \lambda x.e \mid ee \mid (e) \end{equation}

meaning, we have:

  • a variable \(x\)
  • an abstraction \(\lambda x . e\) (a function definition)
  • an application \(e_1 e_2\)

we call \((\lambda x . e)e’\) (a function and its argument, ready for reduction) a redex.


def f(x) = e

can be written as:

\begin{equation} \lambda x.e \end{equation}

this is just an anonymous function—it can be returned, etc.


Association to the left: \(f x y z = ((f(x))y)z\). An lambda abstraction extends as far right as possible:

\begin{equation} \lambda x.x \lambda y.y \to \lambda x.(x \lambda y . y) \end{equation}


variables requires us being able to substitute things.

  • \(x [x:=e] = e\) — similar to \(I\)
  • \(y [x:=e] = y\) — similar to \(K\)
  • \((e_1 e_2) [x := e] = (e_1 [x:= e]) (e_2 [x:= e])\) — similar to \(S\)
  • \((\lambda x . e_1) [x := e] = \lambda x . e_1\) — shadowing; that is, during a function application if shadowing occurs, we don’t use substitution
  • \((\lambda y . e_1) [x:= e] = \lambda y . (e_1 [x:= e])\), if \(x \neq y\) and \(y\not \in FV(e)\); that is, we can only substitute if the contents of our substitution is not going to be changed by new variable bindings

the last rule?!

\((\lambda y . e_1) [x:= e] = \lambda y . (e_1 [x:= e])\), if \(x \neq y\) and \(y\) doesn’t appear free in \(e\)


\begin{equation} (\lambda y . x) [x:= y] \end{equation}

it would not make sense to substitute \(x\) inside the function for \(y\).

  • free variables

    The free variables are variables not bound in an application:

    • \(FV(x) = \{x\}\)
    • \(FV(e_1 e_2) = FV(e_1) \cup FV(e_2)\)
    • \(FV(\lambda x.e) = FV(e) - \qty {x}\)


we can mostly ignore alpha reduction and eta reduction be rephrasing as “rename variables to avoid collision whenever needed”.

beta reduction

\((\lambda x.e_1)e_2 \to e_1[x:=e_2]\), we replace every occurrence of \(x\) in \(e_1\) with \(e_2\); we call \(x\) the formal parameter, and \(e_2\) the actual argument

alpha reduction

we can rename variables to avoid collision; \(\lambda x. e = \lambda z . e [x := z]\), with a fresh \(z\) (to avoid conflicting variables).

eta reduction

\(e = \lambda x . e x\), \(x \not \in FV(e)\)

evaluation order

  • call-by-name (for correct termination): evaluate the arguments only when the function can be reduced
  • call-by-value (more efficient): it evaluates the arguments one time (even if the function makes copies of the arguments, we don’t evaluate it again)

Church-Rosser Theorem

Lambda Calculus

programming time

non terminating expression

\begin{equation} (\lambda x . x x) (\lambda x . x x) = (\lambda x . x x) (\lambda x . x x) \end{equation}


\begin{equation} Y = \lambda f . (\lambda x . f (x x)) (\lambda x . f ( x x)) \end{equation}

let’s do it a few times:

\begin{equation} Y g a \to (\lambda x . g (x x)) (\lambda x g ( x x)) a \to g ((\lambda x g ( x x)) (\lambda x g ( x x))) a \end{equation}


  • \(True\ x\ y = x\)
  • \(False \ x\ y = y\)

to abstract this to combinators, we just put \(\lambda\) in front of each argument and we are done:

  • \(True= \lambda x . \lambda y. x\)
  • \(False = \lambda x. \lambda y .y\)

we can recycle the combinator-based definitions for SKI to deal with the rest of the boolean logic: conditionals


  • \(pair = \lambda a. \lambda b . \lambda f . f a b\)
  • \(fst = \lambda x. \lambda y. x\)
  • \(snd = \lambda x. \lambda y. y\)


  • \(0 f x = x\), so \(0 = \lambda f . \lambda x . x\)
  • \(succ\ n\ f\ x = f(nfx)\), so \(succ = \lambda n . \lambda f . \lambda x. f (n f x)\)


p = λp. pair (mul (p fst) (p snd)) (succ (p snd)) ! = λn.(n p (pair one one) fst)

Algebraic Data Type

Type T = constructor1 Type11 Type12 ... Type1n |
         constructor2 Type21 Type22 ... Type 2m |
  • algebraic: because the constructor packages up the arguments
  • the constructor is a “tad” naming the case of the ADT being used
  • deconstructors recovers the arguments of the constructor to use it
Type List = nil |
            cons Nat List
  • encoding ADTs in lambda calculus

    Consider an ADT \(T\) with \(n\) constructors; let each constructor have \(k\) arguments; so—here’s an example constructor:

    \begin{equation} \lambda a_1 . \lambda a_2 \dots \lambda a_{k}. \lambda f_1 . \lambda f_2 \dots \lambda f_{n} f_i a_1 a_2 \dots a_{k} \end{equation}

    each constructor must have \(n\)

  • natural numbers

    Type Nat = succ Nat |

    we have two constructors—

    \begin{equation} succ = \lambda n . \lambda f. \lambda x. f(n f x) \end{equation}

    \begin{equation} 0 = \lambda f . \lambda x. x \end{equation}


  • identity \(I\): \(\lambda x . x\)
  • constant \(K\): \(\lambda z . \lambda y . z\)
