aggressively reduce everything
we recursively evaluate the argument before reducing the function application
implementing lambda calculus
we can implement Lambda Calculus through abstracting it into SKI Calculus:
observe that \(\lambda x.e \implies A(E, x)\); for each expression \(e\), we replace the innermost lambda expression \(\lambda x.e’\) in \(e\) by \(A(e’, x)\).
simply typed Lambda Calculus
Recall normal lambda calculus:
\begin{equation} e \to x | \lambda x.e | e e \end{equation}
we will now add an additional rule for typed lambda calculus:
\begin{equation} e \to x | \lambda x: t.e | e e| i \end{equation}
where we define types:
\begin{equation} t \to \alpha | t \to t | Int \end{equation}
either a type variable, a function from type to type, or an integer.
- FUNCTION CURRYING ASSOCIATION IS TO THE RIGHT: \(a \to b \to c\) associates like \(a \to (b \to c)\)
- we don’t allow recursive types (and correlate: anything in this system will therefore terminate)
some examples
\begin{equation} \frac{x: \alpha \vdash x: \alpha}{\vdash \lambda x : \alpha . x : \alpha \to \alpha } \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \frac{x: \alpha , y: \beta \vdash x: \alpha }{ \frac{x: \alpha \vdash \lambda y:\beta . x \beta \to \alpha }{\vdash \lambda x:\alpha . \lambda y: \beta . x: \alpha \to \beta \to \alpha }} \end{equation}