The functional core still stays:
\begin{equation} e \to x | \lambda x. e | e e \end{equation}
Named fields with values:
\begin{equation} [flag = False, value = 42] \end{equation}
“each element of the tuple has a name, and order is unimportant”
If the fields are fixed, they are basically just ADTs.
Record Type
All functions are types, and so are the methods; so we can just add more types for the methods as well. So here’s two properties and a method:
\begin{equation} [flag = False, value = 42, add: Int \to Int] \end{equation}
We will have something that’s a recursive data type:
\begin{equation} X = [flag = False, value = 42, first: X \to Bool, first: X \to Int] \end{equation}
All methods will always take the self parameter first, and then take anything else after as needed.
Objects is a collection of fields and methods on those methods
Object Calculus
\begin{equation} o = [\dots, l_{i} = \zeta (x) b_{i}, \dots] \end{equation}
object calculus is a map between field names and object producers.
- selection: \(o. l_{i} \to bi [ x := o]\) (i.e. invoke with self)
- override: \(o.l_{i} \Leftarrow \zeta (y) b \to o\) with \(l_{i} = \zeta (y) b\) (i.e. set new method value)
wait what about fields!
Well, we just have a method that returns a contsant, such as:
\begin{equation} o = [l = \zeta(x) 3] \end{equation}
Look, when we ask for \(o.l\) we will just get \(3\) because \(3[x := o] = 3\).
\begin{equation} o = [l = \zeta(x) x . l] \end{equation}
\begin{equation} o = [l = \zeta(x) x] \end{equation}
invoking \(o.l\) will either get you back \(o.l\) or \(o\) in these things, enabling recursion.
programing with overrides
For instance, we can get a thing to rewrite itself!
\begin{equation} o = [I = \zeta(y) (y.l \leq \zeta (x) x )] \end{equation}
\begin{equation} o.l \to o.l \Leftarrow \epsilon (x) x \to [I = \zeta(x) x] \end{equation}
zero = [ iszero = s(x) true,
pred = s(x) x,
succ = s(x) (x.iszero <= s(y) false).pred <= s(y) x]
that is, in successor, we can keep rolling the number back
transforming lambda calculus into object calculus
- \(T(x) = x\)
- \(T(e_1 e_2) = \qty(T(e_1) . arg \Leftarrow \zeta(y) T (e_2)).val\)
- \(T(\lambda x . e) = [arg = \zeta(x) x. arg, val = \zeta(x) T (e) [x := x.arg]]\)
Key idea: a function is an object of two fields, an argument and a body.
note that the default argument field for a non-invoked lambda is just an infinite loop, its only a dummy value
transforming object calculus into lambda calculus
We will represent objects as lists of pairs: the first component is a label (an integer); the second component is the value of the methods/field—if there are more than one object with a particular value, we pick the first one (…which is how we do overrides).
Select a field:
\begin{equation} o.i = \qty(o \qty(\lambda h. \lambda t. \text{ if } \qty(h.1) == 1 \text{ then } (h.2) \text{ else } t) \lambda x. x) \end{equation}
And override (we just tack things up front):
\begin{equation} o.i \Leftarrow f = cons(i,f) o \end{equation}
LIMITATION: this can’t work for types, because general overrides can’t really work since the target of the override could be literally any types.
\(A < B\) if an object with type \(A\) can be used in any context where something of type \(B\) is required.
\begin{equation} \frac{E \vdash o: [l_1 : B_1, \dots, l_{n}: B_{n}], m < n}{E \vdash o: [l_1 : B_1, \dots, l_{m}, B_{n}]} \end{equation}
that is, we can forget some fields and we can get a good type still.
key tension…
If you want a typed object language, object method definition
mainstream OO
Java, C++
- happens before type checking: inheritance, static overrides, restrictions on superclass modification,, dynamic updates…
- meaning, typing is independent of program evaluation
- type checking after method assembly; each class is fully resolved
type checking
- inherentance is a static property
- method override is resolved at compile time—before type checking
functional -> OO
OCaml, Haskell
We want to add some object orientation to a functional language—OO is a thin wrapper; to work around rough edges, we use higher order functions.
OCaml example
let counter =
var mutable x = 0
method get = 0
method inc = x <- x + 1
This will give you a record type val counter: <get: int, inc: unit >
—which is computed dynamically.
Unlike intermediate objects like the above, classes defined as a global scope can be inherited.
class counter =
var mutable x = 0
method get = 0
method inc = x <- x + 1
OO -> functional
Java, C++
We want to add some functionalish components (higher order functions, parametric polymorphism) to our OO language:~:W
(arg) -> { body }
like Lambda Calculus—-
- functions are anonymous
- take one argument
parametric polymorphism = C++ templates:
template <class T>
class Test {
T val;
MyNum(T n) (val T) {};
Dynamically Typed
“Give up”
Python, Javascript, LISP
noticeably more popular in the OO world (because static typing in OO is really hard)
Prototype-based systems are the analogies to type systems. New objects are created by copying the prototypes around.