…what can we solve efficiently?
the “easy” cases
by definition all NP/NP Complete problems…
- 3COL
- Hamiltonian path problem
- and also anything in coNP because if \(\text{P}= \text{NP}\), then \(\text{NP} = \text{coNP}\)
- …
review: certificates definition of NP, coNP
\(L \in \text{NP}\) IFF \(\exists\) polytime verifier \(V\) such that \(x \in L \Leftrightarrow \exists w \in \qty {0,1}^{\text{poly}\qty(|x|)}, V\qty(x,w) = 1\)
\(L \in \text{coNP}\) IFF \(\exists\) polytime verifier \(V\) such that \(x \in L \Leftrightarrow \forall w \in \qty {0,1}^{\text{poly}\qty(|x|)} V\qty(x,w) = 1\)
notice how this difference exists only between existential vs universal quantifier (we got here to the expression coNP above by thinking of it as \(x \not \in L \Leftrightarrow \exists w \qty {0,1}^{\text{poly}\qty(|x|)} V\qty(x,w)=1\), and the negating this statement)