Houjun Liu


CLRS Index

Last edited: December 12, 2022
Exploring CLRS. 2 insertion sort

ADReSS Literature Survey Index

Last edited: June 6, 2022
The ADReSS Literature Survey is a literature survey for the results published during the ADReSS Challenge. Antonsson 2021: disfluency + SVF features trained on SVM: lexical > narrative qual. Chlasta 2021: features extracted from VGGish on SVM; also trained new CNN from .wav. Sadeghian 2021: Used GA for feature sel., achieved 94% w/ MMSE alone; dev’d ASR tool. Martinc 2021: CBOW (text) + ADR (sound) late fusion’d to a BERT, ablated for features.

Index Index

Last edited: June 6, 2022
Here’s a list of all indexes: Projects Index Research Index Production Index About This should be reflected on a fancier way on my home page.

History Readings Index

Last edited: May 5, 2022
Reading Date Notes New Deal Flip-book <2022-03-24 Thu> New Deal Historian Flipbook Legacy of McCarthyism <2022-04-25 Mon> Legacy of McCarthyism Soviet Perspective on the Cold War <2022-04-29 Fri> Soviet Perspective on Cold War MLK and Malcom X <2022-05-10 Tue> MLK and Malcom X Reading Origins of American Conservatism <2022-05-27 Fri> Origins of American Conservatism

AP Phys C Mech Index

Last edited: May 5, 2022
AP Phys C Mech is an examination held by the CollegeBoard in mechanics. Things to Study Permittivity of free space Impulse Springs! In general. Perhaps review old notes. How to be faster? Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion