Houjun Liu


Sadeghian 2021

Last edited: September 9, 2022

DOI: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.624594

(Sadeghian, Schaffer, and Zahorian 2021)


Using a genetic algorithm, picked features to optimize fore; achieved \(94\%\) with just MMSE data alone (ok like duh me too). Developed ASR tool to aid.


  • Developed an ASR methodology for speech, complete with punctuations
  • Used a genetic algorithm to do feature selection; NNs performed worse because “space is smaller???”

Notable Methods

Used a GRU to insert punctuations

The paper leveraged the nuke that is a bidirectional GRU, ATTENTION,

Luz 2021

Last edited: June 6, 2022

DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.24.21254263


Review paper presenting the \(ADReSS_o\) challenge and current baselines for three tasks


Three tasks + state of the art:

  • Classification of AD: accuracy \(78.87\%\)
  • Prediction of MMSE score: RMSE \(5.28\)
  • Prediction of cognitive decline: accuracy \(68.75\%\)

Task 1

AD classification baseline established by decision tree with late fusion

(LOOCV and test)

Task 2

MMSE score prediction baseline established by grid search on parameters.

SVR did best on both counts; results from either model are averaged for prediction.

Mahajan 2021

Last edited: June 6, 2022

DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.623607


Trained a bimodal model on speech/text with GRU on speech and CNN-LSTM on text.


  • A post-2019 NLP paper that doesn’t use transformers! (so faster (they used CNN-LSTM) lighter easier)
  • “Our work sheds light on why the accuracy of these models drops to 72.92% on the ADReSS dataset, whereas, they gave state of the art results on the DementiaBank dataset.”

Notable Methods

Bi-Modal audio and transcript processing vis a vi Shah 2021, but with a CNN-LSTM and GRU on the other side.

Balagopalan 2021

Last edited: June 6, 2022

DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.635945


extracted lexicographic and syntactical features from ADReSS Challenge data and trained it on various models, with BERT performing the best.



Seems like results here are a strict subset of Zhu 2021. Same sets of dataprep of Antonsson 2021 but trained on a BERT now. Seem to do worse than Antonsson 2021 too.

Notable Methods

Essentially Antonsson 2021

  • Also performed MMSE score regression.

Key Figs

Table 7 training result

This figure shows us that the results attained by training on extracted feature is past the state-of-the-art at the time.

Guo 2021

Last edited: June 6, 2022

DOI: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.642517


Used WLS data to augment CTP from ADReSS Challenge and trained it on a BERT with good results.


Notable Methods

WLS data is not labeled, so authors used Semantic Verbal Fluency tests that come with WLS to make a presumed conservative diagnoses. Therefore, control data is more interesting:

Key Figs

Table 2

Data-aug of ADReSS Challenge data with WSL controls (no presumed AD) trained with a BERT. As expected the conservative control data results in better ferf